Black Composite Door - Meadow Lane Showroom2019 was a fascinating year. A year that could be remembered for the rise of fidget spinners, a variety of seemingly never-ending political sagas and Marie Kondo. The Netflix show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo took the world by storm with her unique methods of decluttering, primary amongst them, keeping only those things that “spark joy” in your life.
Porch Inspiration
When it comes to a small but useful area of the home, such as a front porch, these are words to live by. Unlike our counterparts across the pond, UK porches are considerably smaller than those in America, so making the most of this space is vital. Kondo’s philosophy is a great way to build into the first (and arguably most difficult) of our ways to declutter your porch…

Get rid of things

Shoes that you never wear or coats that you never are just some of the items that may be cluttering up your porch. You might not be keen on analysing whether or not these bring joy to your life, either way, the charity shop or loft would be gracious recipients of these items.

Combine furniture and storage

One of the key perks of a porch is keeping muddy shoes or wellies out of the home. Many people choose to have a chair in their porch for them to sit down while taking their footwear off before going inside the home. Opting for a seat that offers a storage option will allow you to make the most of the space.

Build up

Thinking vertical is an effective way to make the most of a compact space. Various home improvement retailers will offer tall, multipurpose storage solutions designed for Entrance Doors West Midlandsporches or hallways ideal for storing items such as coats and shoes.

Don’t let it build up!

…while additional storage is useful, it does come with a potential downside. Clutter can very quickly build up in a confined porch area, especially for homes with growing families. Creating cleaning games can be a great way to get children to assist with the decluttering.
Porch Inspiration

Porches in Dudley, Wolverhampton and across the West Midlands

A porch doesn’t only provide additional storage, but it’s also an effective way to give your home a facelift and even increase its value.

At DW Windows, our high-performance uPVC entrance porches offer outstanding thermal efficiency and a variety of customisable options to perfectly match your home and requirements. Give us a call on 01902 661 779 or contact us online for more information.

Related post:

Ideas for porches – British porch designs for 2021 living!

Joanne Walters

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