Composite doors have revolutionised the home improvement industry, offering a blend of aesthetic appeal, security, and durability that beats traditional wooden or traditional uPVC doors. 

Composite doors have gained popularity as a secure and stylish option for homeowners throughout the West Midlands. But what materials are used in composite doors, and why can they be the perfect secure solution for your home?

Whether you’re renovating your home or constructing a new one, understanding the advantages of composite doors can help you make an informed decision.

What are composite doors? 

Composite doors are made from a combination of materials, typically including a solid core, glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) and insulating foam. This multi-layered construction brings together the best properties of each material, resulting in a door that is strong, weather-resistant, and thermally efficient.

At DW Windows, our composite doors have highly robust cores to ensure that they can last years without giving way to harsh weather conditions, consistent use, or unwanted intrusion. 

Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Skins

GRP, which stands for Glass-Reinforced Plastic, is a form of fibreglass that is incredibly lightweight yet highly durable. It easily resists warping, bowing, and corrosion. Its robust nature allows it to offer high security, making it ideal for external doors. The Distinction composite door utilises GRP skins to great effect, offering reliable thermal performance and security.

Composite Front Door Security

Each of our doors has multi-point locking, anti-pick and snap cylinders, and a series of reinforcements to keep would-be intruders out.

Beyond protecting against intrusions, they can also greatly enhance a property’s energy efficiency while keeping out harsh weather conditions like rainfall or wind. 

Black Composite Door With Silver Hardware

Composite Door Aesthetic Appeal

Available in a wide range of styles, colours, and finishes, composite doors can complement any architectural style. Whether you prefer a traditional look or a modern aesthetic, there’s a composite door to match your taste. The GRP skin can be moulded to mimic the appearance of wood, providing the classic look of a wooden door without the maintenance issues.

Low Maintenance Composite Doors

Unlike wooden doors that require regular painting or varnishing, composite doors are low maintenance. The GRP skin is resistant to fading, warping, and cracking, so your door will look as good as new for many years with minimal upkeep.

Although composite doors are low maintenance, a little care can go a long way in preserving their appearance and functionality:

  • Regularly clean your composite door with a soft cloth and mild soapy water to remove dirt and grime. Avoid abrasive cleaners that can damage the surface.
  • Periodically check the door’s hardware, such as hinges, locks, and handles, to ensure they are functioning correctly. Lubricate moving parts with a suitable oil to maintain smooth operation.
  • Inspect the door’s seals for any signs of wear or damage. Damaged seals can compromise the door’s thermal efficiency and weather resistance.

Choosing the Right Composite Door

Here at DW Windows, we offer a wide range of composite doors from leading brands like Apeer, Distinction, and Rockdoor. Our doors come in various designs and colours, allowing you to find the perfect match for your home’s style. 

Start a free, no-obligation quote on our website now or contact us today for more information. Call us directly at 01902 661779 to get expert advice on the best door for your home.

We also offer finance options for our composite doors, making it easier for homeowners to invest in their property’s security and beauty. Visit our showroom in Coseley to see the different brands and styles available. Our friendly team is always ready to provide expert advice and guidance.

How Much Are Composite Doors?

The price of our composite doors can vary depending on several factors, such as brand, size, style, hardware, and more. The best way to get a price for our doors is via our online quoting engine or our door builder pages, where you can design your own composite door from scratch: 

Distinction 44m Composite Door

Rockdoor 50mm Composite Door

Apeer 70mm Composite Door

How Long Do Composite Doors Last?

Each of our composite door offerings can last for decades without wear and tear, with only minimal maintenance required. A new composite front door can be an excellent long-term investment for any modern or heritage home.

How To Clean Composite Doors?

No harsh chemicals or chores are necessary to keep one of our doors clean and tidy. Just use soap, a fresh sponge, and warm water to scrub away any dirt or dust that may accumulate.

What Is the Difference Between uPVC and Composite Front Doors?

Typically, uPVC doors are constructed from a type of plastic material that is known for its rigidity and durability, whilst composite doors have a series of different materials that are fused together to provide incredible strength and durability. The combination of materials allows for high thermal efficiency, security, and longevity without sacrificing customisable style.

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